Our Solutions
OFACplus Sanctions Data
A service that normalizes sanctions/watch lists and risk data into an easy to use file or XML/JSON web service to enable risk management and regulatory compliance. The data is automatically updated and distributed.
PEP Plus Data
A rich and expanded Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) and Relatives and Close Associates (RCA) file covering global PEPs. This file is continuing to grow and builds on our earlier PEP offering PEP Plus.
We have a partner file to our core PEP data of Media Relationships where PEP/REP are mentioned in the same media article. This file is over 7.6 million rows of relationship data.
Negative News Service
NegativeNewsPlus is a unique negative news search engine that reduces the time analysts spend when performing enhanced due-diligence by returning only risk related information.
One Click Compliance Search Engine
This solution elegant search solution provides the investigator, analyst or researcher a tool to conduct due diligence
All in an easy to use one click interface. One Click Compliance reveals your risk exposure.
High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) and High Intensity Financial Crimes Area (HIFCA) Database File Solution for Financial Institutions Compliance Programs.
Cannabis Related Business/Licensee Data
A data file that identifies legitimate CRBs and their Beneficial Owners in all the “legalized” states. Provides up to date information about the businesses and their owners. The data is easily integrated with other systems available in CSV JSON or XML formats
NamePlus Name Variation Data
NominoData’s NamePLUS is the world’s largest name variant databases with millions of cataloged names and variants from around the world. This data is crucial for customer entity recognition and data quality/MDM solutions.
Nomino is Latin for Name.
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HumanTrafficking Risk Data
The newly available NominoData data file allows FIs to search within customer profiles and identify suspicious data through phone numbers, emails, etc. If data in the FI customer file has hits in NominoData’s data set, this should trigger an enhanced due-diligence process within the system.
Russian Risk Data
This file is designed to help companies identify risk related to the current Russian Sanctions programs and more.
We have compiled all of our data related to Russia and put it into one database. We have also added sources covering Russian companies involved in Import/Exports, Oligarchs, relatives and close associates, State Owned entities and more.
Crypto Risk Data
This data set comprises of two files.
First file is a catalogue of token projects, exchanges and key players.
The second file contains over 415,000 rows of websites payment wallets on the dark web and sanctioned wallets.
State Owned Entity Data
A list of State Owned Entities by Country used for due diligence.
A work in progress we are also adding Officers and Directors to this data set.
Non Government Organizations Data
A list of Non Government Organizations by Country used for due diligence.
This file it typically used with our State Owned Entity file.
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Sanctions Guru
Sanctions Guru is a data service that aggregates high-risk watch lists into a single, easily consumable data file.
With our extensive historical data archive we can re-create sanctions data as it appeared over a specific date range in common formats.
This is needed in order to perform look back testing as well as verifying existing systems.
Automated risk search service in the cloud.
Complete coverage with security and total reliability.​
Based on the powerful and lightning-fast Elasticsearch platform hosted on Amazon to support scalable secure access NominoData is offering all of its databases in a flexible cost effective service.